CLUB VOYAGE was a festival in the Vondelbunker in Amsterdam, with performances by YEAR, the Wild Raspberries and DJ’s Bert, Stefan and Tessel. Friends abroad ‘joined’  the festival through video projections of them dancing in Belgium, England, New-Zealand, Italy, Austria, Germany and Spain, projected on the wall of the dance floor.

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The Windswept Story of Seasons

Over the last two years, I recorded an EP for every season of the year together with my band. Five songs for Spring, five for the Summer, five songs for Autumn, and four last songs for the Winter.

Today Winter has started again and our last songs are finally released. It’s time to tell you the story. The story of Part of the Plan, Fall/Awake, Hide the House and Boats to Go. Many people are involved in this story. Sometimes because we asked them. Sometimes we met them by accident. Seasons is a journey along different homes, industrial sites, farms, attics, submarines, hidden gardens and other places.

It starts here.


/|\ Het Verval /|\

On Saturday the 21st of September, we celebrated /|\ HET VERVAL /|\  with more than 15 artists including bands, DJ’s, storytellers, poets, Autumn food ‘in verval’ and visuals. The festival was located at Pakhuis Wilhelmina and Delicatessen, at the Veemkade in Amsterdam. I curated and organized the festival with Denis Wouters and Cornelis Serveert.